Curative Innovations

T-LAB specializes in the manufacture of Platelet Rich Plasma Kit also known as PRP Kit and various PRP systems as well as special devices for Fat Transfer and Stromal Vascular Fraction.

T-LAB Products

regenerative medicine practice in Orthopaedics, Aesthetics or Dermatology

Aesthetics Device PRPHD





Next PRP

ifuge C4000 NXT


PRP can be obtained due to a strong centrifugal force by seperating the cells according to their molecular weights layer by layer.

During the R&D period of PRP HD Kit, we have examined the structures of all other PRP products and we have consulted to our medical doctors. Due to lack of knowledge and constitution of the many other products, we have developed safe, effective, injectable, re-suspension featured and quality product along with our doctors’ qualified experiences.

We are not talking about an IVD Tube, or imported products and packed in bags or boxes. We are talking about our tubes developed for the purpose of PRP applications along with other supportive equipments for safe, sterile and effective applications.


The latest breakthrough in Non Enzymatic SVF and Fat Grafting Special Blade Filters, specifically designed for a safe and effective processing of the adipose tissue.

  • Not only Fat Grafting,
  • It is a real SVF Isolation,
  • A real regenerative therapy.

The Microlyzer SVF Kit offers you the perfect system for obtaining a high mesenchymal stem cell population without using enzymes. Moreover, it is much faster and cost-effective than enzymatic systems. Discover regenerative treatments now with T-LAB.


It provides maximum heat control with its intelligent ventilation and motor technology, preventing blood from hemolizing

  • Specially manufactured for PRP, PRF and SVF 
  • Swing Out Rotor
  • Brushless Motor
  • Controlled Acceler

NEXT PRP Syringe

It looks like a 10 ml syringe with its improved structure. However, it turns into a tube with two simple movements. Thanks to its practical use, even products that you thought were easy in the past will be difficult to use.It is produced in T-LAB quality and is CE Class IIb certified.

NEXT PRP syringe offers a different, smart, efficient and flexible choice of Platelet-Rich Plasma preparation to the user, either with or without anticoagulant for an efficient platelet concentration used to accelerate the healing of injured tendonsligamentsmuscles and joints.
Next PRP is a perfectly closed PRP system.


A cutting-edge technique designed to improve skin rejuvenation, hair transplantation, and scar treatments. This method leverages a Micrograft system that does not require any additional devices, making it a highly accessible option for people who suffer of hair hair loss.

Micro Graft Technology

It offers a system where you can perform your procedure using only the Dermomine Kit, without the need for any device. Microlyzer 600 μm, which has thousands of blades, provides ease of use, and there is micro-graft technology that can achieve high cell count and vitality.

Microlyzer 600 μm

Thanks to the thousands of specially designed blades inside, the tissue pieces removed from the blades and free the cells around the micro. Thus, it maximizes the number of cells and their vitality.

Microlyzer 150 μm

With the released cell suspension, unwanted fibrotic tissues are broken down and become injectable. To prevent this situation and to ensure safe injection, the tissue suspension is passed through Microlyzer 150 μm once and the unwanted tissues are filtered out.

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Leading the change with regenerative medicine!

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