Ultimate Illuminating Skin Supplement

- Removes Blotches From All Skin Areas
- An Anti-Acne and Anti-Age Treatment

Yllume 30 Vegi Capsules-30CAPS is an Answer to all your skin concerns Skin lightening, Anti- Aging, Anti- Acne, Internal SPF.

Yllume uses an exclusive, patented proprietary ingredient called PhytoflORAL consisting of colourless carotenoids for internal skin lightening and brightening.

Colourless Carotenoids present in Yllume Ultimate Illuminating Complex naturally increases the body’s own levels of glutathione. Colourless carotenoids are naturally found in the topmost layers of the skin at a level of 38%, those deficient in these carotenoids show signs of hyperpigmentation, sensitivity, acne and dry skin. Yllume is the only complete skin care system to contain these carotenoids and can address these issues via a unique approach, delivering unique lightening actives both topically and internally at a cellular level.

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